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2011 Mack Trident TRIDENT Truck White Tipper

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Used Truck


Dealership Details

Western Truck Group

373 Anzac Avenue Harristown QLD 4350


(07) 3171 1027

Vehicle Details

Body Colour White
Gearbox Automatic
Transmission Automatic
Odometer 1156066
StockNo M1158
VIN 6FMM12H69BD802672

Dealer Comments

Mack Trident: 2011 Compliance, 535HP, 1,156,066kms, Mack M drive 12 Speed Automated Manual Transmission, Drum Brakes, Hercules Aluminium Tipper Body, Rock Sheeted, Electric Rollover Tarp, Alloy Bumper Bar, Revolving Light, Diff Locks and Power Divider, Stainless Visor, Grain Door, Grain Locks, Step Ladder at Rear or Body, Light Bar, Water Tank, Toolbox, Alemlube Auto Greaser 26,000 GVM, 106,000kg GCM.

Hercules Quad Dog Trailer: 2007 Compliance, Air Bag Suspension, Rock Sheeted, Electric One Touch Rollover Tarp, Grain Door, Ladder at Rear of Gate, Water Tank, ATM: 35,000KG.
Truck and Trailer Sold with Qld Roadworthy.
Located in To0woomba Qld
$155,000 incl GST
2 in stock. The other has an Eaton 18 Speed.

Please Note: We have taken all reasonable steps to ensure the information contained herein is accurate, complete and up-to-date. If for some reason you believe any information we have displayed is not accurate, please contact us immediately and we will take all reasonable steps to correct it.

Please confirm vehicle details with the seller prior to purchase.